Red Tailed Black Cockatoo Hand Feed

Original price was: $1,300.00.Current price is: $850.00.

Specie: Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo

Health: Very Healthy

Age: 4 years

Delivery: USA and Canada

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Buy Red Tailed Black Cockatoo

Red-Tailed-Black cockatoo for sale (Calyptorhynchus banksii) is a giant size black cockatoo bird native to Australia. This bird is estimated to be at 21-25 inches at full growth and can live for up to 50 years. The Red tailed black cockatoo is a very intelligent, social and loving bird with amazing temperament and will make a perfect companion pet to any home. This bird has a crest that forms like a face cap when ever the bird is excited or happy, the male red tailed black cockatoo has a slight patch of red feathers on its tail giving this charming bird its popular name.

The female red tailed black cockatoo has a blur plumage with yellow on the head, neck and the wings. this bird is monogamous in nature and when they mate it is usually for life.

Are you searching for where you can purchase a Red tailed black cockatoo, we should be your number one go to. We have a wide selection of healthy cockatoos for sale at really affordable prices and guaranteed delivery anywhere within USA and Canada.

Feeding Red Tailed Cockatoo

The red tailed black cockatoo feeds mostly on seeds like eucalyptus, they also consume fruits, bulbs, flowers and sometimes insects for extra protein.


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